Des Rêves manufactures earthenware tableware and tiles by hand, using traditional methods, in Desvres in the Hauts-de-France region.
These exceptional, professional-quality earthenware pieces are available based on existing collections, as well as being made-to-measure for private and professional customers looking for unique objects.

The project

With a rich history and know-how dating back to the 18th century, the earthenware industry in Desvres, Pas-de-Calais, France, flourished and employed thousands of local people.

Slowly but surely, at the beginning of the 21st century, large-scale production ceased and the know-how was less and less shared.

This project is the result of a desire to reindustrialize, by creating a new production site, starting with a workshop and then a full-fledged factory.

This project is a tribute to the tradition and history of a proud and prosperous period, during which Desvres manufactures enjoyed international renown.

This project is a new opportunity, a new energy, the rebirth of earthenware firmly anchored in its time and its modernity.

It's a project that promotes the value of earthenware, a noble and durable material for making beautiful tableware.

  • A production site

  • A training facility

  • A place of wonder


Working earthenware again in Desvres

It's making something beautiful, something useful, something durable. 
It's bringing together a team of enthusiasts, who each in their fields will bring the best to this project.
It means creating activity, long-term employment and rediscovered know-how. 
It is putting this city back on the map of the great French earthenware factories. 

Earthenware objects

For the timeless pleasure of beautiful tableware and beautiful earthenware utensils; 
For the pleasure of being together, of laying out a nice table, of entertaining, of being well at home, of pleasing; 
For the tableware to summon and create memories through transmission.

Des Rêves

The dream of a rebirth: relaunching a know-how.  
The dream of a tribute: to celebrate the decorations executed by the artisans of Desvres over the centuries.
The dream of familiar settings: revisiting settings to arouse new emotions.
The dream of harmony: gathering around the warmth of a table.  
The dream of the present moment: to live and create new memories.



Before becoming the committed entrepreneur she is today, Marion worked in the world of construction and real estate. For almost fifteen years, she worked for the world leader in concessions and construction, where she held various management positions.

In July 2022, Marion decided to change course and pursue a dream close to her heart: to become an entrepreneur in her native land. She is now at the head of Faïencerie Des Rêves, a company she founded with the ambition of reviving the earthenware industry in Desvres. It's a new adventure for Marion, but she brings to it the same determination and strategic vision that have marked her career to date.

Each piece from the Des Rêves workshop is a testament to the fusion of old and new, a celebration of local know-how, history and the timeless pleasure of fine tableware. Marion is committed to putting Desvres back on the map of French earthenware, and every piece she creates is a step towards realizing this vision.

Contact Marion